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Home » 2024 » October » 28

I can't believe it has been more than two months since I started on this game mode. It was supposed to be released in maximum a month. Most of the code and assets were already there from the main game core, so it was just a matter of just piecing things together and program the new team deathmatch mode. So, I thought... Because the end result was that everything took much longer to develop. The boss battle, the transitioning from indoor to outdoor, the snow storm (I had to create two new classes to prevent the snow from falling inside interiors), the  multiplayer (team assignment and objectives), the fixing of new bugs, the music and the game-play (how to make it a fun game experience for 1 to 8 players.) Also the frame rate. There are so many objects in the mission that at one point, the game ran at 23 to 29 fps. With some tricks and magic, I was able to add 25 frames per second on an old GYX 1050 laptop.

So, without further ado, here is an explosive one on on ... Read more »

115 | ds1 | 2024-10-27 | (0)