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ds1Date: Friday, 2021-06-11, 2:41 PM | Message # 1
Group: Administrators
Messages: 3
Reputation: 0
Status: Offline
What is the current state of the game: Single-player campaign mode with several missions, weapons, weather effects, monsters, vehicles, and many more surprises.

Is the game PC only: At the moment, yes.

When will the game exit Early Access: Sometimes in 2022.

If I buy the game now, will I get the full game for free: Yes.

Will there be multi-player: Yes.

Where are the controls shown: You can see all the controls in the Input tab of the Options menu.

How to make flying vehicles take-off: Press C on your keyboard.

How to make flying vehicles land: Press E on your keyboard.

How to destroy myself or my vehicle: Press CTRL+K on your keyboard.

How to know more about my in game objective: Press F2 and double click on the objective number button.

Where's the armory in the first mission: Explore the caves, you will find it.

Where's the Dragon: You must go on foot onto the main Alien hangar platform facing North.

How to kill the GiantSandworm:
  • Shoot at its pulsating lungs. The less lungs it has the slower it regenerates health.
  • To stun it, shoot a a rocket between its eyes after it shoots a projectile or breathes fire. The two upper lungs will be exposed.
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